Indeed, I would not wear a new garment out of fear [it would cause] my neighbour [to] be jealous [towards me], when he wasn’t before.
Category: Manners
Scholars are of three types
Abu Moosaa al-Khowlaanee said ‘Scholars are [of] three [types]…’
Good, upright and moral character
[From] good [upright and moral] character is to select [deeds of] virtue and abandon [deeds of] vice.
Always intend good
‘O my son, [always] intend good, for indeed you shall remain upon good so long as you intend good’
Characteristics of the people of faith
Praiseworthy characteristics are from beautiful actions, and good speech is [from] the characteristics of the people of faith.
Due to his tongue
«Most of the sins of the son of Aadam are due to his tongue»
Extreme reverence towards their Shaykhs
…and many people have extreme reverence (ghuloo) towards their shaykhs the type [of ghuloo] which exists in the shee’ah in their extreme reverence towards their imaams.
Mixing fire and firewood
If men mix freely with women, it is on the same level as mixing fire and firewood.
Beware of being deluded and self-amazed by the people’s praise
Beware of being deluded and self-amazed by the people’s praise of you for that which you are not…
Don’t rejoice at people’s praise for you
Don’t rejoice at people’s praise for you, rather ask Allaah if indeed this is true that He increases you from His Bounty…