The Messenger of Allaah ﷺ kissed ‘Uthmaan ibn Magh.dthoon whilst he [lay there before him] – dead, and [as he did so] his tears fell upon the cheek of ‘Uthmaan ibn Magh.dthoon.
Category: Manners
From the etiquettes of differing with one another
I met our Shaykhs – Zirr and Abu – and from them was he whom ‘Uthmaan [ibn ‘Affaan] was dearer to him than ‘Alee [ibn Abee Taalib], and from them was he whom ‘Alee was dearer to him than ‘Uthmaan – yet [despite this] they were very friendly and loving toward one another.
Avoid gatherings of backbiting and slander
When you have prayed, why do you not sit with us?
There is a share for Shaytaan
If a gathering extends [beyond what is necessary], then there is a share in it for Shaytaan.
Ask from those who are compassionate
Some of the wise [people] have said: Ask for livelihood from the compassionate ones, [and] live under their protection, and do not seek [anything] from those of harsh and cruel hearts, for indeed the curse [of Allaah] descends upon them.
Obedience to Allaah
“O people! Being patient upon obedience to Allaah is easier than being patient at the punishment of Allaah.
Would not allow time to pass without benefit
About him, I was told he would take account of himself [to the level of every] breath; he would not let time pass without [utilising it for] benefit. He would be [busy] either writing, teaching, or reading. I was told he would even be moving his lips when sharpening his pen[cil].
The precious value of time
I came across groups of people, and one of them was more stingy about [how he spent] his time than he was with his money.
Let us remain brothers in Islaam
I have not seen [anyone] more sensible than ash-Shaafi’ee.
Living in harmony
[After marriage], Umm Saalih and I lived together for twenty years, and we did not disagree over [even] a word!