Muhammad ibn Abee Haatim narrates that a man came to Abu ‘Abdillaah al-Bukhaaree and said: ‘O Abaa ‘Abdillaah, such and such has said that you are a disbeliever!!’
Category: Manners
He exerted great efforts
From the [noble] merits of al-Hakam ibn ‘Abdir-Rahmaan ibn Muhammad was that he exerted great efforts in his kingdom to abolish alcohol.
Genuine brotherhood in Islaam
We visited al-Hasan al-Basree, and [found him] asleep. By his head was a basket, and we foraged inside and found bread and fruit, so we began to eat.
Should you remember me, then supplicate for me
O my brother, the benefit of getting together is [that it reminds us] to supplicate [for one another].
Supplicating for your teacher
[When] I supplicate to Allaah, I make specific mention of [Imaam] ash-Shaafi’ee [in my supplication].
Praying for his brothers in their absence
Abu ad-Dardaa had 360 companions [with each of whom he had established a very dear and close friendship] for the Sake of Allaah; and he would supplicate to Allaah for [each and every one of] them in his salaah.
When Muslims exchange visits with one another
This is the clothing of the Monks; certainly, when the Muslims exchange visits with one another, they beautify themselves.
Always smiling when meeting his brothers in Islaam
When meeting [other] men, I have never seen a man smile as much as Ayyoob as-Sikhtiyaanee.
Restricting ties of brotherhood
Whoever restricts ties of brotherhood to only those without [any] fault[s], will have few friends…
Love him, for indeed I love him
The Prophet ﷺ wanted to wipe the nasal mucus from [the young] Usaamah ibn Zayd, so I said to him…