Indeed, a man will certainly become full from speech (talking too much), just as he will become full from food (eating too much).
Category: Manners
Before putting pen to paper
I did not put [pen to paper and record] any hadeeth in my book “Saheeh [al-Bukhaaree]” except that I washed before [doing so], and then prayed two rak’ahs.
Resembling the companions
I have not seen anyone resemble the companions of Muhammad ﷺ more than al-Hasan al-Basree.
He memorised an aayah a day
Yahya ibn Waththaab read the entire Qur.aan to ‘Ubayd ibn Nudhaylah – a companion of ‘Alqamah, and with him he memorised an aayah every day.
I read the Qur.aan to ‘Umar
I read the Qur.aan to ‘Umar [ibn al-Khataab] (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhu) three times.
You are unable to please all of the people
Indeed, you are unable to please all of the people, so rectify that which is between you and Allaah, and do not concern yourself with [what] the people [may think or say].
Grateful to Allaah
‘Abdullaah ibn al-Mubaarak was gratefully rich, [and] his wealth amounted to about 400,000 [deenars].
He was good to the students
It was said that Ibn Abee Zayd [al-Qayrawaanee] wrote his famous book when he was [just] 17 years [of age].
ath-Thowree has arrived
I heard them [speaking] at Marwu saying: ‘ath-Thowree has arrived.’ So I went out to see him, and was beholden [to find] he was a youth, and his beard had just started to grow.
Three essential characteristics
You will not be a scholar until you possess three characteristics.