Yoosuf ibn al-Husayn was an imaam of his time. There was no-one from the scholars like him in terms of humbling and belittling himself.
Category: Manners
My soul has become proud
My soul has become proud, and I wanted to humble it.
The mere sight of him would awaken sadness in my heart
Whenever I looked at al-Fudhayl [ibn ’Iyaadh], [the mere sight of him] would awaken sadness [in my heart], [causing me to] despise myself, and then weep.
Too much talking and too much eating
Two characteristics harden the heart: too much talking and too much eating.
My father would extol praise upon him
I heard my father extol praise upon Ahmad ibn Abil-Hawaaree, and magnify his mention.
He was the most humblest of all the people
He would teach the people and have them read the Qur.aan to him. And when they would finish, he would [turn to] occupy himself in prayer.
Good character and minimal speech
Abul-Qaasim was of sound ‘aqeedah, good character, and minimal speech; [in fact] there was no-one of his time comparable to him.
Practice patience
There is no aid other than [from] Allaah, and no guide other than the Messenger of Allaah, and no provision other than taqwa, and no act [to be undertaken] other than [to remain] patient upon it.
Distinguished character
Ahmad ibn Hanbal was extremely shy and modest, and of distinguished character, and liked [being] overly generous.
Pious companions
ar-Rabee’ [ibn Khuthaym] was the most pious of the companions of ‘Abdullaah.