After [being blessed with] eemaan, the worshipper [of Allaah] has not been blessed with anything better than intellect.
Category: Knowledge
The most blessed of days
The wise person knows that the most blessed of days is a day on which he increases in virtue and knowledge.
A time of great trials and tribulations
[As an ummah], we are in a time of great trials and tribulations, and nothing can save us from these trials and tribulations except Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala, and thereafter beneficial knowledge.
Allaah fills their heart with eemaan
[There are] three [categories of people] in whom [should these habits] exist, then Allaah fills their heart with eemaan…
So you know that Fajr has a smell, right?
A man narrated [a story] to me, that in their town there was a blind man who knew the time of Fajr had arrived [just] by the smell [in the air]; yes, [just] by its smell – without actually [being able to] see it!
The minds of men
The minds of the men are at the tips of their pens.
Do not be misled by the actions of the people
Do not be misled by the actions of the people, because the actions of the people could be based upon [their] ignorance.
The people would have all perished
If it were not for the scholars transmitting the knowledge, and teaching the people – generation after generation, the people would have all perished.
Beware of the scholars of evil
Be cautious of the scholars of evil, just as you are cautious of Iblees.
My father, as I knew him
Before [the advent of] electricity, he would go out every moonlit night to read. And in winter, he would go out and sit between two steel barrels for protection against the cold!