ash-Shaafi’ee grieved at how the Muslims had neglected [the knowledge of] medicine
Category: Knowledge
The knowledge of medicine
After [the knowledge of] halaal and haraam, I do not know of any knowledge more noble than [the knowledge of] medicine, particularly since the people of the Book are better versed than us in it.
In the footsteps of the Prophet ﷺ
[In a dream] I saw the Prophet ﷺ [and it was] as if he was walking, and Muhammad ibn Ismaa’eel [al-Bukhaaree] was walking behind him…
None more knowledgeable of the Sunnah
There was none more knowledgeable of the Sunnah in Iraq than Ibn ‘Own.
The sweetness of worship
You will not find (experience) the sweetness of worship until you place a barrier between you and your desires.
From the etiquettes of differing with one another
I met our Shaykhs – Zirr and Abu – and from them was he whom ‘Uthmaan [ibn ‘Affaan] was dearer to him than ‘Alee [ibn Abee Taalib], and from them was he whom ‘Alee was dearer to him than ‘Uthmaan – yet [despite this] they were very friendly and loving toward one another.
Avoid gatherings of backbiting and slander
When you have prayed, why do you not sit with us?
Encouraging others
When a man narrates to me a hadeeth, I remain silent [to encourage] him – [giving the impression] as if I haven’t heard it [before], even though I [first] heard it before he was even born!
Would not allow time to pass without benefit
About him, I was told he would take account of himself [to the level of every] breath; he would not let time pass without [utilising it for] benefit. He would be [busy] either writing, teaching, or reading. I was told he would even be moving his lips when sharpening his pen[cil].
Let us remain brothers in Islaam
I have not seen [anyone] more sensible than ash-Shaafi’ee.