I have written [ahaadeeth] from more than 1,000 Shaykhs, and from each one I have [taken] 10,000 ahaadeeth; There is nothing I have except that I recall its isnaad.
Category: Words of Wisdom
I know more about it than him
I have not heard a man narrate hadeeth except that I know more about it than him; [however] I had forgotten some knowledge if a man was to memorise that he would be an ‘aalim.
He is responsible for him
It is befitting for a man to encourage his child in [seeking] knowledge, for certainly he is responsible for him
I narrated 50,000 hadeeth from memory
I narrated 50,000 hadeeth from memory until my books arrived.
Whoever innovates or accommodates an innovator
Whoever innovates or accommodates an innovator then upon him is the curse of Allaah, His Angels and the whole of mankind.
The jihaad with decisive proofs
The jihaad with decisive proofs [from the Book and the Sunnah] and the tongue takes precedence over the jihaad with the sword and the spear.
Definition of Bid’ah
Linguistically bid’ah (innovation) means ‘a newly invented matter’.
I declare war against those who reject the hadeeth
By Allaah, that I [declare] war against those who reject the hadeeth of the Messenger ﷺ is more beloved to me than that I should war against the same number of Non-Muslims.
This is the abode of actions
This is the abode of actions and the abode of remembrance and the abode of being held accountable – the abode of this dunyaa. As for the Hereafter, after the death, then there is nothing but reward.
Prepare for a day like this
For what reason have they gathered here?