Some students of knowledge have a weakness [in their ability] to memorise, and the weakness may be severe…
Category: Words of Wisdom
Calling out to someone
The one whose name is not known should not be called out to by ‘Mohammed’…
Being patient during hardship
This is how the believers must be at all times…
The act of the despicable
Reference: Ibn Hazam – v1, p365 Ibn Hazam said: Do not convey to your friend that which will hurt him and not benefit him to know, [for indeed] this is the act of the despicable.
Compassion in Islaam
Reference: قال الشيخ #ابن_عثيمين :"ينبغي للإنسان أن يراعي قلوب الناس ، فإذا انكسر قلب شخص فليحرص على جبره بما استطاع ؛ لأن في هذا فضلا عظيماً … " شرح بلوغ المرام (٣٣٣/١١) — فتاوى العلماء (@fatawaalolama) April 8, 2021 Sharh Buloogh al-Maraam – v11, p333 Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: It is befitting that a […]
Reflect on what we want to share before sharing
Reference: إذا كان هناك نزاع بين طرفين فمن الخطأ والإثم أن ترسل لأي طرف ما قاله الآخر، أو تخبره بقوله، لأنه ربما كان في ذلك من زيادة الشقة والفراق والنزاع بينهما، لذا فلنتأمل ما نريد إرساله قبل الإرسال، فإن كانت هنالك مصلحة متحققة بإذن الله فأرسل وأخبر، وإلا فدع. — أ.د. عاصم القريوتي Prof […]
A warning against being preoccupied with the faults of others
From the people are those who preoccupy themselves with the faults of others, and forget their own faults.
A scholar encouraging others to benefit from him
Visit our YouTube channel for more Regarding Shaykh ‘Abdur-Rahmaan as-Sa’dee’s praise for his own book “al-Qawaa’id al-Hisaan”, Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: …then [I say] that his praise for his book is not strange, because the praise of the people of knowledge for their writings is not done intending pride or bragging to the people, rather, […]
Beware of indulging in the pursuit of comfort and luxury
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: So the more the people increase in [comfort and] luxury, the more they open up before the people, [and as a result] the more evils open up before them. Indeed it is [the indulgence in comfort and] luxury that destroys a person, because if a […]
Increase in supplicating to Allaah
We therefore encourage our brothers to increase in supplicating to Allaah (’Azza wa Jall)…