Seeking knowledge when one is young, is like etching on a stone.
Category: Words of Wisdom
Overcome with enthusiasm
We find some of them are overcome by enthusiasm and as a result cause offence, such that the people have an aversion to their invitation (da’wah).
Knowledge is better than wealth
Knowledge is better than wealth; Knowledge protects you and you [have to] protect wealth.
Studying something inferior
Anyone who spends his time studying something inferior, abandoning higher studies of which he is capable, is like someone who sows corn in a field capable of growing wheat…
When you compare yourself with others
When you compare yourself with others in matters of wealth, position, and health, you should look at people less favoured than yourself.
The most noble branches of knowledge
The most noble branches of knowledge are those which bring you close to the Creator and help you to be pleasing to Him.
A miser with his knowledge
A man who is a miser with his knowledge is worse than a man who is a miser with his money.
I do not know
What shall I tell the people of my land when I return to them?
I have not experienced anything like it for memorising
I have never seen Wakee’ with a book in his hands, rather, he has everything memorised. So I asked him about the remedy for memorising.
Seeking knowledge with a sincere intention
We do not know of anything better than seeking knowledge with [a sincere] intention [for the sake of Allaah].