I do not say this as a dedicated fanatic since he was my teacher, but I simply never saw anything comparable to him.
Category: Words of Wisdom
Expiation of sins is by good actions
If a person fears Allaah (has taqwa), Allaah will make it easy for him to do good actions with which he can make expiation [for the sins].
The more a person increases in knowledge
This is because taqwa is a means for strengthening understanding, and strong understanding assists in increasing knowledge.
No comparison between one who has knowledge and one who does not
There is no comparison between one who has knowledge and one who does not, just as there is no comparison between the living and the dead, and one who hears and one who is deaf, and one who can see and one who is blind.
He who has knowledge does not become tired in protecting it
It is protected in the heart and soul, and in time itself it is a protector for you, because it protects you from danger, with Allaah’s permission.
One who is shy will never gain knowledge
«One who is shy will never gain knowledge, nor one who is proud»
Pray as you see me praying
«Pray as you see me praying»
Not befitting for a scholar to remain silent
It is not befitting for a scholar to remain silent upon his knowledge, and nor is it befitting for one who is ignorant to remain silent upon his ignorance.
Whoever does not love knowledge
Whoever does not love knowledge, then there is no good in him; So there should not be any acquaintance between you and him, and nor any friendship.
The one who is most prepared to give fatwa
«The one who is most prepared to give fatwa, is the one who is most prepared for the Fire»