Sa’eed ibn ‘Abdil-‘Azeez would weep if he missed a prayer in congregation (i.e. the obligatory congregational prayer).
Category: Words of Wisdom
The caravans of the pious and righteous have passed
Wake up O man! Night has passed, and day has arrived, and before you is a long journey and [yet you have] little provisions; The caravans of the pious and righteous have passed by and we have remained [behind].
Whoever is not concerned with the prayer
Whoever is not concerned with [preparing for] the prayer before its time, then he has not dignified or venerated it.
Let the workers work
I visited Ibraaheem ibn Haani whilst he was on his deathbed. [Whilst there] he called his son Ismaa’eel and said to him: Has the sun set [yet]?
Bordering on showing off
Whoever asks a question whilst he knows [the answer], then that is [considered to be] bordering on showing off.
Give your brother an excuse
Maybe there is an excuse for my brother which I do not know of.
Zubayd used to divide the night into three parts
‘Wake up’, and if he was lazy, he would pray his [third] part [of the night].
Knowledge is that which benefits, not that which is memorised
In order to compete with the scholars
«Do not acquire knowledge in order to compete with the scholars, nor to argue with the ignorant, nor to gain mastery over the gatherings. Since whoever does that, then: The Fire! The Fire!»
Nothing more harmful to the branches of knowledge
They are ignorant and yet they think they have knowledge, they cause corruption whilst thinking they are correcting the affairs.