‘Woe be to you! I did not look at anything other than my two thumbs from the moment I left [home], until I returned back [home] to you.’
Category: Words of Wisdom
Every three days during Ramadhaan
It was narrated about Qataadah, that he would complete [the recitation of] the [entire] Qur.aan every seven [days], and [likewise] do so every three [days] during Ramadhaan.
Never had to pay zakaah on his wealth-1
The yearly income of al-Layth ibn Sa’d was 80,000 deenaars, [and despite this immense wealth] never did Allaah obligate upon him to extract even one dirham in zakaah.
Seeking knowledge to act according to it
If a man seeks knowledge to act according to it, his knowledge gratifies him, and if he seeks knowledge for other than acting according to it, then his knowledge [merely] increases him in pride and haughtiness.
Men are of three types
So he who knows himself to be upon evil, then it is befitting for his fear and apprehension to predominate his hope and anticipation.
Leading the prayer
The time for prayer entered upon a group of scholars; So it was said to one of them to lead [the prayer], but he declined.
Beautify knowledge
Beautify knowledge [by acting in accordance to it], and do not beautify yourself with it.
Potbellied and disgraced
It used to be the case a Muslim would [feel] disgraced, if he was told he was potbellied!
So what did you do with that which you knew?
Certainly, that which I fear the most is when I stand [before my Lord] to account [for my deeds], and it is [then] said to me: You had knowledge, so what did you do with that which you knew?
Answering the call to prayer
If the call to prayer was made and Ibraaheem ibn Maymoon al-Marwazee had raised his hammer, he would not strike with it (i.e. he would immediately stop work), [and instead go and answer the call to prayer].