I saw Yazeed ibn Zuray’ in a dream; So I said to him what did Allaah do with you? He replied: He entered me into Paradise. I said to him: With what (meaning, what did you do to earn that)? He said: For [exerting myself in] much prayer.
Category: Words of Wisdom
Due to their wicked character
If Allaah intends evil for the people [due to their wicked character], He opens for them [the door to] argumentation and denies them [righteous] action[s].
I do not know
I accompanied Ibn ‘Umar (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhumaa) for 34 months, and [during this time] whenever he was asked a question, he would respond with: I do not know. He then turned to me and said: Do you know what these [people] wanted, they wanted to use our backs as a bridge for themselves to Hell.
A secretive man
And I never saw him openly glorifying Allaah, nor [openly doing] any acts of charity.
Humility even in front of his family
It was reported regarding ar-Rabee’ ib Kuthaym that when a family member would enter his room, he would [hasten to] cover his Qur.aan.
Essential attributes of the Scholar
The scholar is not he who [just] knows about the good and the bad, rather, the scholar is he who knows about the good and adheres to it, [just as he] knows of the bad and refrains from it.
Act according to what you have learnt
Learn, learn, and when you have learnt, then act [according to what you have learnt].
Until when will a man continue to seek knowledge
Until when will a man [continue to] write hadeeth? He said: Until he dies, and the remaining ink will [then] be poured into his grave.
A loaf of bread with pickles
We used to pass by [Imaam] al-Baghawee, and ad-Daaraqutnee [who at the time was only] a small boy, would walk behind us – in his hand was a loaf of bread with pickles on it.
Four thousand men on horseback welcomed him
Reference: Siyar A’laam an-Nubalaa. – Volume 12, Page 437 Muhammad ibn Ya’qoob ibn al-Akhram said: I heard my colleagues saying: When al-Bukhaaree entered Neesaaboor, four thousand men on horseback welcomed him, in addition to those riding mules and donkeys and [those who came] on foot.