I saw ‘Alee ibn al-Hussayn give [charity] to the poor and needy with his own hands.
Category: Words of Wisdom
The night prayer
I am not aware that my father ever missed the night prayer.
I would think he was ill
Never did I see him pray, except that I would think he was ill.
Knowledge which does not benefit
‘Abdul-A’laa said to me: Certainly he who has been given knowledge which does not cause him to weep, then it is feared he has not been given knowledge which benefits him.
That which is befitting for a man
It is befitting for a man who hears something from the manner of the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ, that he holds firm to it.
I also got cupped and gave the cupper a deenaar
There isn’t a hadeeth I have scribed except that I have acted in accordance to it; Even when I learnt that the Prophet ﷺ was cupped and gave Abu Taybah a deenaar [for cupping him], I also got cupped and gave the cupper a deenaar.
He prayed as if he was a pole
I saw Muslim ibn Yasaar pray as if he was a [motionless] pole; He would not lean on one leg a moment, nor the other a moment, and nor would his clothing move.
A third of the Qur.aan
I spent the night [at the house of] Ibn ‘Ulayyah, [during which] he read a third of the Qur.aan.
He would weep whilst standing in prayer at night
Sa’eed ibn Jubayr would weep [whilst standing in prayer] at night until his eyes became bleary and he was unable to see clearly.
Knowledge which is not spoken with
Knowledge which is not spoken with, is like treasure which is not spent.