My father would never miss fasting [every] Monday and Thursday, and the three full moon days.
Category: Words of Wisdom
So as not to fall asleep
In the Summer, Safwaan ibn Saleem would pray [the night prayer] inside his home, and during the Winter he would pray on the roof so as [to remain alert and] not to fall asleep [whilst praying].
His general speech
Such was [the case of] Ibn Seereen, that his speech in general was [peppered with] “Subhaa-nAllaahi wa bi-Hamdihi, Subhaa-nAllaahil-‘Adtheem”.
Secretly standing the night in prayer
Ayyoob as-Sikhtiyaanee would secretly stand the night in prayer, and when dawn came he would raise his voice as if [to suggest to his family] he had just awoken.
Never missed the initial takbeer
Regarding Bishr ibn Mansoor, it was said that he never missed the initial takbeer [upon beginning the congregational prayer].
The excellence of the scholar
…and like this it is incumbent upon the student to recognise the excellence of the jurist (scholar), and acknowledge the knowledge he (the scholar) possesses is that which he (the student) has acquired, and from him (the scholar) he (the student) has taken.
Good manners and knowledge
…it is with good manners that knowledge is understood.
Made wudhoo before he died
I saw ‘Abdullaah ibn Busr make wudhoo, and therafter he (radhi-yallaahu ‘anhu) died.
I shall repeat them all from memory
“O Uncle, if you permit me, I shall repeat them [all] from memory.”
I do not find anything in my heart more desirable
I do not find anything in my heart more desirable than standing the night in prayer.