It used to be said: ‘For him whose secret hoard [of deeds] is superior to his open hoard [of deeds] – therein is much excellence; and for him whose secret hoard [of deeds] are worse than his open hoard [of deeds] – therein is iniquity.
Category: Words of Wisdom
Hiding his daily routine from others
My father would not sleep [at night] until he had read half of the Qur.aan, and when he finished his recitation, he would wrap himself in his cloak then take a short nap.
A secret hoard of righteous deeds
They would yearn that a man [from amongst them] would have a secret hoard of righteous deeds that neither his wife nor any other would know about.
Never once saw him praying a voluntary prayer
I accompanied Muhammad ibn Aslam for more than 20 years, and never once saw him praying a voluntary prayer except on the day of Jumu’ah; [I understood why, when] I once heard him saying: ‘If I was able to pray a voluntary prayer such that my two angels could not see me, I would have done so – out of fear of showing off’.
He would pinch his nose
Ayyoob as-Sikhtiyaanee was tender hearted, and when he would become tearful in front of his companions, he would pinch his nose to give [them] the impression he had a cold, and if he feared he would be overcome by tears, he would get up [and leave the gathering].
If anyone did speak to him, he would respond to them
al-Awzaa’ee would not speak to anyone after the fajr prayer until [after] he had engaged himself in the remembrance of Allaah; And if anyone did speak to him, he would respond to them.
One good turn deserves another
I went out with my father and we came to Madeenah. Maalik ibn Anas then sent us a plate of fresh dates. So he (my father) then placed 1,000 deenaars and returned it (the plate) to him.
Fasting every other day for the last sixty years
Regarding ‘Alee ibn al-Ja’d [it was said that] for the last sixty years, he has been fasting every other day.
Did not rise until the adhaan for ‘ishaa
I saw ath-Thowree in the Haram after [the] maghrib [prayer]; He prayed, then descended into prostration and did not rise until the call (adhaan) for the ‘ishaa prayer [was made].
Sufyaan ath-Thowree’s prostration
I saw ath-Thowree in the Haram (al-Masjid al-Haraam, Makkah) after maghrib; He prayed [the maghrib prayer] and then went into prostration, and did not rise [from the prostration] until the call for the ‘ishaa prayer was made.