So whoever commits [a deed] which Allaah and His Messenger have forbidden, has harmed his religion; and he must remedy this harm by repentance and turning back [from this misdeed].
Category: Words of Wisdom
The best perfume
The best perfume in this life is your [good] character; its fragrance remains [even] after your death.
Honouring your mother
Indeed, I do not know of any action drawing one nearer to Allaah than honouring the mother.
Seize the opportunity to study
Seize opportunity to study at [Madeenah] University, and don’t give anything precedence over it, even if it is jihaad.
The truly content one
The [truly] content [one] is he whose sins die with him.
Forgetting your errors
Whoever forgets his errors, the errors of others [then] become more important to him.
I have never watched a football match
And if they were asked about just one of the ten who were guaranteed paradise, they would not be able to answer.
The World Cup
How many prayers have been abandoned by those following World Cup football matches, even in Ramadhaan, the month of the Qur.aan!!
Our problem
Our problem is that, to begin with we don’t establish a sound foundation, and nor do we view the problems in any Muslim country as our problem. Then when it strikes our country, we [frantically] search for the cure and solution.
Signs of happiness and success
From the signs of happiness and success is the more a worshipper is increased in [beneficial] knowledge, the more he is increased in humility and compassion [towards others].