“If there was [any] speech to be written in gold, then this speech would be written [in gold].”
Category: Words of Wisdom
Supplicating against someone
Do not fear the supplication of the one who supplicates against you without [any] right [to do so].
The three aspects of backbiting
Reference: https://twitter.com/alqaryooti/status/1596327718429556739 قال الحسن: الغيبة ثلاثة أوجه كلها فى كتاب الله: الغيبة، والإفك، والبهتان.(1) فأما الغيبة: فهى أن تقول فى أخيك ما هو فيه.(2) وأما الإفك: فأن تقول فيه ما بلغك عنه.(3) وأما البهتان: فأن تقول فيه ما ليس فيه.ولا خلاف بين العلماء فى أن الغيبة من الكبائر.«تفسير المراغي» — أ.د. عاصم القريوتي Prof Dr […]
A tear of the Scholar
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan said: And the people of knowledge are well known; not everyone who has a certificate [becomes a scholar], [nor he who] has graduated from a [university] faculty or…not everyone who has memorised ahaadeeth or memorised aayaat [becomes a scholar]. Not everybody who has read books becomes […]
Origin of the Hadeeth «And the worst of the rows of the men are the last ones…»
Visit our YouTube channel for more The reason for the legislation of the hadeeth: «And the worst of the rows of the men are the last ones and the worst of the rows of the women are the first ones»[1] Shaykh al-Albaanee (rahima-hullaah) said: And many of the students of knowledge do not know, let […]
Importance of al-Imaam an-Nawawee’s Forty Hadeeth
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh ‘Abdur-Razzaaq al-‘Abbaad – may Allaah protect and preserve him – mentioned on tape one of his explanation of al-Imaam an-Nawawee’s Forty Hadeeth: And here, I recall something novel which occurred…and that was about twenty years ago; [I held lessons where] I explained the Forty [Hadeeth of al-Imaam an-Nawawee] […]
What time is my flight?
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Dr. ‘Aasim al-Qaryooti said: “My flight is at exactly 12 noon!” [So] how long will you continue to sleep? How will you get to the airport [in time] so you don’t miss the flight? Or how will you get to the train station? Okay, [so in contrast] have […]
Learn the Arabic language proficiently
It is befitting that you strive hard in [learning] the [various] branches of the Arabic language, because understanding the [various] branches of the Arabic language will help you immensely to understand the Book and the Sunnah.
Just as death will reach him
If the son of Aadam were to flee from his rizq (provision) as he flees from death…
The best charity is the charity given to a hostile relative
Reference: https://twitter.com/AbuAbdullaah/status/1549050566189645825 قال النبي ﷺ «أفضل الصدقة الصدقة على ذي الرحم الكاشح*» صحيح الترغيب، ٢٥٣٥ *القريب الذي تجد منه السوء، و أنت تبذل له الخير و النفع. — محمد أختر شودري (@AbuAbdullaah) July 18, 2022 Saheeh at-Targheeb, 2535 The Prophet ﷺ said: «The best charity is the charity given to a hostile* relative.» * the […]