Never would an hour pass him except that he would give something away in charity, and if he did not have anything [to give away in charity], he would [then] pray two rak’ahs [of voluntary prayer].
Category: Words of Wisdom
Tomorrow is the Day of Judgement
I saw Safwaan ibn Sulaym, and [such was the level of his worship, that] if it was said to him ‘tomorrow is [the Day of] Judgement’, he would be unable to do any more than what he was already doing.
Daily Qur.aan recitation routine
[It was the habit of] Muhammad ibn Seereen [that he] would set aside seven parts of the Qur.aan [to read], and if he missed any during the night, he would [be sure to] read it during the day.
Shackled by your sins
If you are unable to establish the [voluntary] night prayer, nor [voluntarily] fast during the day, then know that you have been prevented [from doing these great acts of worship], because you have been shackled by your sins.
Missed the ‘ishaa prayer
Naafi’ reports that if Ibn ‘Umar (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhumaa) missed the ‘ishaa prayer in congregation, he would remain awake the rest of the night standing in prayer.
Attaining the sweetness of worship
Having worshiped Allaah for 50 years, I had not found (experienced) the sweetness of worship until I left three things…
Always ready for the prayer
Never has the time for salaah arrived, except that I had been longing for it.
The sweetness of worship
You will not find (experience) the sweetness of worship until you place a barrier between you and your desires.
Deeds done in secret
If [one’s] deeds done in secret are equal to [one’s] deeds done in public, then that is fair.
From the etiquettes of differing with one another
I met our Shaykhs – Zirr and Abu – and from them was he whom ‘Uthmaan [ibn ‘Affaan] was dearer to him than ‘Alee [ibn Abee Taalib], and from them was he whom ‘Alee was dearer to him than ‘Uthmaan – yet [despite this] they were very friendly and loving toward one another.