Suwayd ibn Ghafalah would lead us in the night prayer during the month of Ramadhaan, while he had reached 120 years [of age].
Category: Words of Wisdom
Divided the night into thirds
I hosted Abu Hurayrah for seven days; he, his wife and his servant would divide the night into thirds, [whereby] he would pray, then wake up the other who would then pray, and then wake up the other [who would then also pray].
Prolong the night prayer
Whoever prolongs the night prayer, Allaah will facilitate for him his standing on the Day of Resurrection.
I really wanted to complete reciting it
Muhammad ibn Ismaa’eel [al-Bukhaaree] was invited to a garden belonging to some of his friends…
Ask for me at the graveyard
It has been narrated about Ibn Khafeef that he suffered from a hip pain, and if it became severe it would prevent him from any movement…
The most authentic book after the Book of Allaah
In Islaam, after the Book of Allaah, we do not know of any book more authentic than the Muwatta of Imaam Maalik.
If he missed the congregational prayer
If Sa’eed ibn ‘Abdil-’Azeez missed the congregational prayer, he would weep.
Never missed the first takbeer
al-A’mash was nearly seventy years [of age], yet he never missed the first takbeer [at the start of the congregational prayer].
Even though he had an excuse not to go
‘Aamir ibn ‘Abdillaah heard the mu.adhin [calling the adhaan], and said: ‘Take me by the hand [to the masjid].’
Wash your hands of him!
If you see a man who is careless in [catching] the first takbeer [at the start of the congregational prayer], then wash your hands of him!