Whoever does an act which is not in accordance with the Sunnah, then his act is void.
Category: Words of Wisdom
Love him, for indeed I love him
The Prophet ﷺ wanted to wipe the nasal mucus from [the young] Usaamah ibn Zayd, so I said to him…
I love you for the sake of Allaah
«O Mu’aadth, indeed I love you for the Sake of Allaah»
Sadness and grief
When death came upon [his uncle] Ja’far [ibn Abee Taalib], it was then we noticed sadness and grief upon the face of the Prophet ﷺ.
Tears fell upon his cheek
The Messenger of Allaah ﷺ kissed ‘Uthmaan ibn Magh.dthoon whilst he [lay there before him] – dead, and [as he did so] his tears fell upon the cheek of ‘Uthmaan ibn Magh.dthoon.
Attaining the genuine love of Allaah
[Only the one] who [truly] knows [about] Allaah will [be able to] love Him, and when he does love Him, he shall obey Him.
There was no day that anyone wept more than him
We arrived in ash-Shaam along with ‘Umar, and [when] Bilaal [ibn Rabaah] called the adhaan, the people remembered the Prophet ﷺ, and there was no day that anyone wept more than him (Bilaal).
Sincere and genuine trust in Allaah alone
at-Tawakkul (complete and total trust) in Allaah [alone] is intertwined with eemaan.
Patience in supplicating to Allaah
I haven’t ever been consumed by anger, and for the past twenty years I have sought [a cure for] a need from Allaah, and [in His ultimate wisdom] He hasn’t cured me, yet I have not tired in supplicating [to Him].
Engaged in supplicating to Allaah
I saw Taawoos and his companions; having prayed the ‘asr [prayer], they faced the [direction of] the qiblah and did not speak to anyone, [instead] they [engaged individually in] supplicating [to Allaah].