Whoever resembles Allaah with His creation, then he has disbelieved.
Category: Words of Wisdom
The importance of studying medicine
If it were not that I was engaged in protecting my skill and proficiency [in medicine], the Muslims would have perished.
Medicine, a third of knowledge
ash-Shaafi’ee grieved at how the Muslims had neglected [the knowledge of] medicine
The knowledge of medicine
After [the knowledge of] halaal and haraam, I do not know of any knowledge more noble than [the knowledge of] medicine, particularly since the people of the Book are better versed than us in it.
The easier of the two
«Never was Ibn Sumayyah given a choice between two [permissible] matters, except that he would choose the easier of the two»
And Allaah will be sufficient for you against them
Reference: Siyar A’laam an-Nubalaa Abu Nadhrah reports that Abu Sa’eed said: They struck him (‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan) and [his] blood spilt onto the mus.haf, [specifically] on the aayah: {And Allaah will be sufficient for you against them. And He is the Hearing, the Knowing}, soorah al-baqarah, aayah 137
Break your fast with us tomorrow
I saw the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ in a dream last night, and he ﷺ said [to me]…
So be patient
How is it that you do not supplicate against those who oppress you, and backbite you, and slander you!!?
Declaring a Muslim a disbeliever
Muhammad ibn Abee Haatim narrates that a man came to Abu ‘Abdillaah al-Bukhaaree and said: ‘O Abaa ‘Abdillaah, such and such has said that you are a disbeliever!!’
Died yearning to fight in the Path of Allaah
My two feet have not become dusty [fighting] in the Path of Allaah.