[When] Harim ibn Hayyaan died it was a hot day. So when they had finished with his grave, there came a cloud which stopped over the grave; it was neither longer nor shorter than it (the grave). And it drizzled over it (the grave) until it had drenched it, and then it went away.
Category: Words of Wisdom
None of them had seen what I had seen
I attended the funeral of al-Ahnaf in Koofaa, and was amongst those who descended down into his grave, and when I had leveled it [ready for his body to then be placed inside], I saw how it had been made wide and spacious – as far as my eye could see!
Disciplined and consistent
His set portion [of worship] every night was [to pray] twenty rak’ahs whilst at home and [also when on] travels. And when he would be done with them, he would write thirty five pages of his book.
Upon sound proof
Indeed, in terms of my religion I am upon sound proof, and as for you, then you are upon doubt; go to one who is upon doubt as you are – and debate with him.
Whoever hears of an innovation
Whoever hears of an innovation, then he must not relate it to his companions; he must not relay it [out of fear it may settle] in their hearts.
Sitting with pigs
That I should sit with pigs is more beloved to me than to sit with anyone from the people of innovation.
Speaking about the religion without sound knowledge
al-Mahdee – the ‘Abbaasid ruler – ordered the[m] people to refrain from talking, and not to engage in speaking [in matters of the religion without sound knowledge].
Know that he is misguided
If you spoke to a man about the Sunnah, and he said [to you] ‘Spare us from this [speech], and [just] tell us about the Book of Allaah’, then know that he is misguided.
There is no resemblance with His creation
Whoever resembles Allaah with His creation, then he has disbelieved.
The importance of studying medicine
If it were not that I was engaged in protecting my skill and proficiency [in medicine], the Muslims would have perished.