[Regarding] knowledge, if it does not benefit you, it will harm you.
Category: Words of Wisdom
Like two brothers
The tongue [of knowledge] of Ibn Hazm and the sword of al-Hajjaaj were [like] two brothers.
From the books of Islaam
From the books of Islaam, I have not seen knowledge [content] of the likes of “al-Muhallaa” of Ibn Hazm, and the book “al-Mughnee” of Muwaffaq ad-Deen [Ibn Qudaamah].
Act in accordance with your knowledge
Whoever does not act in accordance with his knowledge, then his knowledge has not benefited him; rather it has harmed him.
Knowledge is that which benefits
Knowledge is that which benefits.
Woe be once to the one who does not know
Woe be once to the one who does not know, and woe be seven times to the one who knows but does not act [according to his knowledge].
O Allaah protect me from knowledge which does not benefit
How many things are there – if they do not benefit, they will not harm. However, [with regards to] knowledge – if it does not benefit, it will harm.
A means to all virtue
Knowledge is a means to all virtue.
The smell of musk
Sulaymaan [ibn Tarhaan] at-Taymee borrowed a fur pelt from a man, and after wearing it he returned it back [to him]. And this man said: The smell of musk continues to emanate from it.
Thirsty and feared for themselves
Ayyoob as-Sikhtiyaanee was on his way to Makkah, and the people became so thirsty that they feared [for themselves].