If I had a [single] supplication which was [certain] to be answered [by Allaah], I would make it for the ruler; for the wellbeing and righteousness of the ruler entails the wellbeing of the land and the people.
Category: Words of Wisdom
The error of his teacher
A man will not know the error of his teacher, until he sits with other than him.
Maintaining close attachment to the scholars
[In the pursuit for knowledge], I maintained close attachment to Shu’bah for twenty years.
The most knowledgeable of them
And the one whose knowledge most encompassed all of these matters was Sa’eed ibn Jubayr.
The scholar and the one who learns will be partners in reward
Learn, for indeed the scholar and the one who learns will be partners in reward.
The knowledge of ‘Aa.ishah
If [all] the knowledge of ‘Aa.ishah (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhaa) was gathered, and [all] the knowledge of all the women was gathered, [then] the knowledge of ‘Aa.ishah would be better.
Asking her about the laws of inheritance
By Allaah, I saw the major companions of Muhammad ﷺ asking her about the laws of inheritance.
She had inherited knowledge from him
If ever we – the companions of Muhammad ﷺ – needed clarification regarding a hadeeth, we would ask ‘Aa.ishah (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhaa) – and found that she had [inherited] knowledge from him.
Be careful from whom you take your religion
Indeed, this knowledge is the religion, so look (be careful) from whom you take your religion.
You shall die tomorrow
[All of] his time would be filled with worship and [the reading of] set portions [of the Qur.aan].