I have never seen a scholar say “I do not know” more than Taawoos [ibn Keesaan].
Category: Words of Wisdom
I do not know
[To say] “I do not know” is half of [all] knowledge.
He refused to take it
A man came to Ahmad ibn Hanbal with 10,000 [deenaars] of profit from his trade, and he refused [to take] it.
Three essential characteristics
You will not be a scholar until you possess three characteristics.
Accuracy and precision
That day, Ghundar brought out a sack of books, and said: ‘Do your best to find an error in them.’
The generous companion
Reference: Siyar A’laam an-Nubalaa – Volume 8, Page 312 Yahyaa al-Wihaathee narrated: I have not seen a man who was more generous than Ismaa’eel ibn ‘Ayyaash. When we would visit him at the farm, he would suffice only with [slaughtering] a sheep for us and [some] dried fried dates. I heard him say: ‘I inherited 4,000 […]
Rectifying the misunderstandings of the people
The people of Egypt would disparage ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan, until al-Layth ibn Sa’d emerged from [amongst] them and spoke to them about his virtues, and so they refrained.
The two imaams of Khuraasaan
Their presence entails the wellbeing of the Muslims.
Not to accept gifts from the students
Do not accept it, [I prefer that you continue to] relate [hadeeth] to me.
Maintaining cautious ties with the rulers
[The ruler] al-Ma.moon gifted my father 30,000 [deenaars], 10 horses and a slave girl – and he did not accept them.