‘Abdullaah ibn al-Mubaarak was gratefully rich, [and] his wealth amounted to about 400,000 [deenars].
Category: Words of Wisdom
The Fuqahaa of Madeenah
The fuqahaa of Madeenah [were]: Sa’eed ibn al-Musayyib, ‘Abdul-Malik [ibn Marwaan], ‘Urwah [ibn Udhaynah], and Qubaysah ibn Dhu’ayb.
The path to Paradise
I have not seen a man more knowledgeable of the path to Paradise than al-Hasan [al-Basree].
Matters of halaal and haraam
I have not seen a man more knowledgeable about [matters of] halaal and haraam than Sufyaan ath-Thowree.
Never too late to start learning
Indeed, al-Kisaa.ee studied Arabic grammar in old age.
He was good to the students
It was said that Ibn Abee Zayd [al-Qayrawaanee] wrote his famous book when he was [just] 17 years [of age].
ath-Thowree has arrived
I heard them [speaking] at Marwu saying: ‘ath-Thowree has arrived.’ So I went out to see him, and was beholden [to find] he was a youth, and his beard had just started to grow.
I do not know
Suhnoon was asked whether it is possible for a scholar to say ‘I do not know’ in response to a matter he knows about?
I do not know
[To say] ‘I do not know’ is half of [all] knowledge.
I do not know
It is befitting for the scholar to bequeath his companions the term ‘I do not know’, so it becomes a principle to which they seek refuge [from the danger of speaking without knowledge].