O Messenger of Allaah, you want me to read [the Qur.aan] to you, when it was revealed to you?
Category: Words of Wisdom
Complete trust and confidence in Allaah
And al-i’tisaam is to have complete trust and confidence in Allaah; and [know thereafter] whoever supplicates to Him, He will respond…
You are unable to please all of the people
Indeed, you are unable to please all of the people, so rectify that which is between you and Allaah, and do not concern yourself with [what] the people [may think or say].
al-Jaami’ as-Saheeh of al-Bukhaaree
I was asleep [by the Ka’bah] between the [Hajr al-Aswad] corner and the Maqaam [Ibraaheem], and I saw the Prophet ﷺ, and he said to me…
Numerous teachers
The shuyookh of al-Qaadhee [‘Iyaadh] were approximately a hundred [in number].
He bequeathed his library
Abu Qilaabah (rahima-hullaah) died in ash-Shaam, and he had bequeathed [all] his books to Ayyoob as-Sikhtiyaanee, so they were taken to him.
Alone, and in the study of hadeeth
How can I isolate myself when I am with the Prophet ﷺ and his Companions?!
Regularly visiting the graveyard
There is nothing more of an exhortation [to good] than the grave, and nothing more of a companion than a book, and nothing more safer than unity.
Spending on the People of Knowledge
Ahmad ibn Mahdee was someone who [despite having] experienced [financial] loss and [an increase in] wealth, he spent 300,000 dirhams on the people of knowledge.
Writing books
Whoever authors [books], then he has placed his mind on a plate for display to the people.