I did not put [pen to paper and record] any hadeeth in my book “Saheeh [al-Bukhaaree]” except that I washed before [doing so], and then prayed two rak’ahs.
Category: Words of Wisdom
The weapon of the believer
The chain of narration is the weapon of the believer, so if he does not have a weapon, with what will he then fight?
Resembling the companions
I have not seen anyone resemble the companions of Muhammad ﷺ more than al-Hasan al-Basree.
Upon completing reading the entire Qur.aan
Upon completing reading the [entire] Qur.aan, ‘Abdullaah ibn al-Mubaarak would [then] like supplicating whilst in prostration.
Emulating ash-Shaafi’ee during Ramadhaan
I took myself to [emulating] what ar-Rabee’ had narrated about ash-Shaafi’ee, that he would complete [reading] the Qur.aan sixty times during Ramadhaan…
al-Imaam al-Bukhaaree and the Qur.aan during Ramadhaan
During the day in Ramadhaan, Muhammad ibn Ismaa’eel [al-Bukhaaree] would complete [reading] the Qur.aan every day…
Making time for the Qur.aan during Ramadhaan
Reference: Siyar A’laam an-Nubalaa – Volume 10, Page 272 Regarding al-Ma.moon, it has been narrated that he completed the recitation of the Qur.aan thirty three times during Ramadhaan. Translator’s note: While from one angle this worship is something praiseworthy, it must be noted that adhering to the Sunnah takes precedence, as it has been authentically reported […]
Making the most of Ramadhaan
Qataadah would complete [reading] the Qur.aan every seven days. And when Ramadhaan arrived, he would complete [reading the Qur.aan] every three days. And when the last ten [days and nights of Ramadhaan] arrived, he would complete [reading the Qur.aan] every night.
Increase your focus on the Qur.aan in Ramadhaan
al-Aswad ibn Yazeed would complete [reading] the Qur.aan every two days during Ramadhaan, and he would sleep between maghrib and ‘ishaa. And in other than Ramadhaan, he would complete [reading] the Qur.aan every six days.
Maintaining a disciplined approach to reading the Qur.aan
My grandfather, ‘Abdullaah ibn Muhayreez, would complete [reading the] Qur.aan every Jumu’ah; and [every night] we would prepare his bedding, and perhaps he did not sleep upon it.