There is none who loves [the pursuit of] this world, except that he has not loved death; [yet] whoever exerts himself [in righteousness] towards it (death), [will find that he] loves to meet his Lord.
Category: Words of Wisdom
The importance of Kitaab at-Tawheed
It is not sufficient to read ‘Kitaab at-Tawheed’ [just] once, rather it is befitting that you always read it; [so] every time you finish it, start [reading] it again, just as I do so myself.
Remembering death and the Hereafter
…and he was seldom seen to be smiling.
The most linguistically eloquent of the people
If a man was to bequeath a third of his estate to the most [linguistically] eloquent of the people, it would be incumbent [upon him] to give it to Abu Bakr al-Ash’aree.
Who taught you good manners?
[I learnt them] myself. If I see anyone [who is] good, [then] I draw near to him, and if I see anyone [who is] ill-mannered, [then] I keep away from him.
He was capable of dictating it all from memory
‘If the math.hab of ash-Shaafi’ee disappeared, he was capable of dictating it [all] from memory.’
The imaam forgetfully missed a prostration
‘Every one [of the congregation] should individually prostrate a prostration [of forgetfulness].’
So he sat down and did not leave
al-Arqam ibn Abil-Arqam made preparations to travel to Bayt al-Maqdis (al-Masjid al-Aqsaa, Jerusalem)…
Have you seen a jurist with your own eyes?
I asked al-Hasan al-Basree about something, and said [to him]: The jurists are saying such-and-such.
Eating too much
Indeed, a man will certainly become full from speech (talking too much), just as he will become full from food (eating too much).