When a man oppresses me, I have mercy [and forgive] him.
Category: Words of Wisdom
Beware of the supplications of the oppressed
Beware of the supplications of the oppressed, for they ascend to Allaah as if they are sparks of fire.
The peak of humility
From that which ‘Abdullaah ibn Muhayreez would be most keen on hiding of himself, would be the best of what he had [been blessed with].
Fear of fame and popularity
If more than four [students] sat with Abul-’Aaliyah, he would get up and leave.
Show the good qualities
From the correct understanding and etiquette of honouring our parents and being dutiful to them is that when we are with them, we only mention the good deeds and qualities of our sisters and brothers, and hide their bad.
Remain silent about the pain
From the correct understanding and etiquette of honouring our parents and being dutiful to them is that when we are with them, we display good relations with our sisters and brothers…
Maintaining contact with our parents
From the correct understanding and etiquette of honouring our parents and being dutiful to them is that we do not suffice with keeping contact with them via modern gadgets…
This causes them anguish
From the correct understanding and etiquette of honouring our parents and being dutiful to them is that we do not argue with our sisters and brothers, nor raise our voice in the presence of our parents…
Doing something for them ourselves
From the correct understanding and etiquette of honouring our parents and being dutiful to them is that we rise to be of service to them, bearing in mind that doing something for them ourselves is from the best ways to honour them…
With good manner and kind words
From the correct understanding and etiquette of honouring our parents and being dutiful to them is, with good manner and kind words, teach them what they do not know…