I only [ever] lied once. ‘Umar asked me about a garment, [and] how much I got it for. So I [lied and] dropped its price by two thirds.
Category: Words of Wisdom
No illness is more dangerous than telling lies
There are no provisions better than taqwa, and nothing is better than silence, and no enemy is more harmful than ignorance, and no illness is more dangerous than telling lies.
Out of respect for him
When Khaalid ibn Ma’daan would sit, none amongst [those who had gathered] was able to mention [anything of] the dunyaa in his presence, out of respect for him.
5,000 or more in attendance, learning
And in the gatherings of Ahmad [ibn Hanbal], there would be about 5,000 or more, with about 500 [of them] writing, while the rest would be learning good manners [from him].
Because of the abundance of his prayers
Abu Haneefah used to be called a stake [of wood], because of the abundance of his [standing in] prayer.
The mere sight of him would evoke others to remember Allaah
And it was said that he was called a monk due to his worship and excellence.
More beautiful in manners and gentleness
I have not seen a man commanding so much respect in his gathering, and nor more beautiful in manners and gentleness than Abu Haneefah.
May Allaah nobilify you
Yes, [and] he should intend by it [his embracing] Islaam.
Remember the authority of Allaah over you
If your authority over the people allows you to oppress them, then remember the authority of Allaah over you…
Don’t curse him
Don’t curse him. How do you know he hasn’t asked Allaah to forgive him, and He has [since] forgiven him.