My soul has become proud, and I wanted to humble it.
Category: Words of Wisdom
The best of actions
The best of actions [are those that] oppose personal desire.
O Allaah, if you forgive me
O Allaah, if you forgive me, then you are qualified to do so, and if you punish me, then I am qualified to be so.
Dirty clothing is more in need of soap than it is of a pleasant scent
Which of the two is best: [that] I glorify Allaah ( سبحان الله ), or [that] I seek forgiveness from Allaah ( أستغفر الله )?
The mere sight of him would awaken sadness in my heart
Whenever I looked at al-Fudhayl [ibn ’Iyaadh], [the mere sight of him] would awaken sadness [in my heart], [causing me to] despise myself, and then weep.
A man whose heart fills with emotion at the remembrance of the dead
They are all his family, and his brothers; he is a man whose heart fills with emotion at the remembrance of the dead, whenever he feels hardness [in his heart].
Too much talking and too much eating
Two characteristics harden the heart: too much talking and too much eating.
Washing the bodies of the dead in preparation for burial
[In preparation for their burial], al-Muzanee would wash the dead as an act of worship, and he would say…
My father would extol praise upon him
I heard my father extol praise upon Ahmad ibn Abil-Hawaaree, and magnify his mention.
If the remembrance of death departed my heart
If the remembrance of death departed my heart, I would certainly fear my heart[‘s pursuit of desires] will corrupt me.