Peace be upon you; [and] to proceed: Certainly, when the servant [of Allaah] commits a sin, he causes Allaah to detest him, and when he causes Allaah to detest him, He causes him to be detested by His servants.
Category: Words of Wisdom
Sins will lead to disbelief
[If left untreated], sins will lead to disbelief, in the same way fever will lead to death.
Do not be misled by the extent of Allaah’s Gentleness over you
O people who sin against Allaah, do not be misled by the extent of Allaah’s Gentleness over you, [rather] be aware of His Anger…
Reading the Qur.aan with understanding
O son of Aadam, by Allaah, if you were to read the Qur.aan [with understanding] and then believed in [what] it [contains], your sadness [at what comes to pass] in this world will be lengthened, and your fear [of Allaah] in this world will intensify, and your weeping in this world will increase.
Maintaining righteous companionship
I accompanied [‘Abdullaah] Ibn ‘Own for 24 years, and [during that time] I am not aware the angels recorded any sin against him.
Control over his tongue
[From] amongst them, [‘Abdullaah] Ibn ‘Own was the one who had the most control over his tongue.
How sad is the state of the son of Aadam
[How] sad is [the state of] the son of Aadam; lifting rocks is easier for him than to abandon sins.
The value of time, engaged in the remembrance of Allaah
Tell time [to pause], so I can then stop [moving my lips].
How much do you glorify Allaah every day?
Unless my fingers have made a mistake, it is a hundred thousand times.
How I yearn to be left alone
“It is as if you dislike socialising with the people.”