The greatest tragedy is the ‘death’ of our fear of Allaah whilst we are still alive.
Category: Words of Wisdom
From that which is strange in this time of ours
From that which is strange in these times [of ours today], is that between you and another is a relationship, the sincerity of which is built upon fond memories – the size of mountains!
From the right of the father upon his son
From the right of the father upon his son is that [t]he [son] does not…
Obedience to Allaah alone
There is no Islaam except with unity, and there is no unity except with leadership, and there is no leadership except with obedience [to Allaah (‘Azza wa Jall)].
Behave yourself!
You must protect [your religion and your homeland from any such ridicule], and behave yourself.
Regarding the people of innovations
It is said about the people of whims and desires, that no respect nor honour is to be extended to them.
Take the best from every thing
Knowledge is more than what can be enumerated, so take the best from every thing.
When the sins decrease
[Regarding] the heart, when it’s sins decrease, it’s tears will hasten.
Defended the Sahaabah, then died and was buried alongside the Sahaabah
Shaykh Ihsaan Ilaahee Zaheer spent his life defending the Sahaabah; when he was injured by the bomb explosion, he was brought to Saudi Arabia for treatment and died here. He was buried in al-Baqee’ [graveyard – in Madeenah] along with the Sahaabah.
Cried until he was overcome with tears
…he would cry until he was overcome with tears.