Do not imprison your mind inside your party (group).
Category: Words of Wisdom
These words are beyond the level of originality
These words are beyond the level of originality; Glory be to the Creator, the Sustainer – He in whose Hand are the affairs of every thing.
Pray before you are prayed upon
Don’t be fooled into thinking that you will begin praying when you become old; pray before you are prayed upon!
Don’t cheat!
Reference: أخي الطالب مهما شعرت بصعوبة الإختبار و ضعف تحضيرك، لا تغش ❌❌ وتذكر قوله تعالى:{ومن يتق الله يجعل له مخرجاويرزقه من حيث لا يحتسب} ✅ وقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم:((من غشنا فليس منا)) 🔴 ..#الاستعداد_للاختبارات — د. عبدالرحمن بخاري (@DrAAB1987) December 30, 2017 However difficult you find the exam, or if your memory […]
The burden borne by teachers
We have not become neglectful of that which is required of us.
When it’s too late to return to make amends
{If you could but see when they are made to stand before the Fire and will say, “Oh, would that we could be returned [to life on earth]…}
The masjid is a marketplace of the hereafter
Indeed the masjid is a marketplace of the hereafter, so if you want to trade, then go out to the marketplace of this world.
O Allaah forgive whomsoever oppressed me
Oh Abaa Sa’eed, indeed I heard you supplicating this night for the ones who oppressed you, until I wished to be amongst them. What led you to do this?
The problem however, is…
It is not a problem that some of the Muslims today are ignorant about their religion, because this [condition] can be treated (rectified) with knowledge…
Increasing in prayers and salutations upon the Prophet on Friday
Reference: اللهم صل على محمد وأزواجه وذريته، كما صليت على آل إبراهيم، وبارك على محمد وأزواجه وذريته، كما باركت على آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد.وهذه صيغة في البخاري — أ.د. عاصم القريوتي Prof Dr Alqaryooti (@alqaryooti) December 14, 2017 Shaykh Dr. ‘Aasim al-Qaryooti said: [Regarding increasing in sending prayers and salutations upon the Prophet ﷺ […]