Reference: When the woman is corrupted, then society will be corrupted, so fear Allaah with respect to [your duty to your] womenfolk, and leave them to nurture the generations, and protect her – for indeed she is like a glass bottle – very easily broken! He ﷺ said: «I have not left behind […]
Category: Words of Wisdom
Jealousy and hatred towards your brothers
And sadly, now you find some of the brothers refuting their brothers more than they refute the atheists – whose disbelief is apparent.
Know your Tawheed!
The Saudi people are amongst the best of nations in knowing tawheed, and preserving the Saudi land is a matter of great necessity.
Presuming good of Allaah and reliance upon Him
My father (rahima-hullaah) was on the roof of the masjid repairing one of the drain pipes, when one of the passers by asked him…
A cause for blessings
Invoking prayers and salutations upon the Prophet ﷺ is a cause for blessings being bestowed [by Allaah] upon the invoker, and his work, and his age, and the causes of [his] benefit.
From the Mercy of Allaah upon His worshippers
From the Mercy of Allaah upon His worshippers is that a good deed wipes away a bad deed, and a bad deed does not wipe away a good deed.
O Allaah! Make firm the Qur.aan in our hearts
He then uttered this dhikr, and asked Allaah to make firm the Qur.aan in his heart; thereafter, he never forgot the Qur.aan.
Praise and gratitude towards Allaah
If the affairs of the leader are upright for you, then increase in praising Allaah and being grateful to Him [for this blessing].
Ideologies of extremism, fanaticism and terrorism
Idelogies of extremism, fanaticism and terrorism are what corrupt the earth – and have no place in Islaam, rather, they are the primary enemies of Islaam.
Beware of being taken by appearances!!
Quite possibly, this brother and his like could be better than me and you in front of Allaah.