Indeed, their tribulations came about from these books which they turned to, and left the narrations of the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ and his companions.
Category: Words of Wisdom
The greatest gift for the parents
Some children give their parents gifts, and this is nice, and being good to them, and [a show of] affection [to them] – may Allaah reward them with good.
Love of the Ansaar of the Sunnah
«the sign of the hypocrite is hatred of the Ansaar, and the sign of the believer is love of the Ansaar»
Beware of invalidating your salaah!
«There is no salaah for the one whose nose did not touch the ground, [and whose] forehead did not touch [the ground either].»
The root of tribulation
Keeping away from the hadeeth of the Prophet ﷺ is the root of tribulation! [there was a time when] the student of knowledge would read the [collection of] six books of hadeeth, the Muwatta, and then progress to reading the masaaneed and more.
A beautiful voice for reciting the Qur.aan
It is befitting for the one whom Allaah has blessed with a beautiful voice for [reciting] the Qur.aan, that he know Allaah has blessed him with immense good.
No money to buy paper
I didn’t have any money to buy paper.
Protect your womenfolk
Reference: When the woman is corrupted, then society will be corrupted, so fear Allaah with respect to [your duty to your] womenfolk, and leave them to nurture the generations, and protect her – for indeed she is like a glass bottle – very easily broken! He ﷺ said: «I have not left behind […]
Jealousy and hatred towards your brothers
And sadly, now you find some of the brothers refuting their brothers more than they refute the atheists – whose disbelief is apparent.
Know your Tawheed!
The Saudi people are amongst the best of nations in knowing tawheed, and preserving the Saudi land is a matter of great necessity.