After he finished working at al-Jaami’ah al-Islaamiyyah [in Madeenah], Saudi Arabia [continued to] pay al-‘Allaamah al-Albaanee a salary for the rest of his life.
Category: Words of Wisdom
I have not seen anyone like Ahmad ibn Hanbal
I met 200 scholars of knowledge, and I have not seen anyone like Ahmad ibn Hanbal.
What is the cleansing of the worshipper?
Reference: 🔹في الحديث عن نبينا ﷺ قال:" إذا أراد الله بعبد خيراً طهَّره قبل موته، قالوا: وما طُهور العبد؟ قال: عمل صالح يُلهمه إياه حتى يقبضه عليه". #صححه_الألبانيفاللهم اختم لنا بخير طهور، وأحسن عمل.#حسن_الخاتمة#الجمعة — سلطان العيد (@sultanal3eed) March 2, 2018 Authenticated by al-Albaanee The Prophet ﷺ said: «If Allaah wants good for His […]
Assuming other than good of your brother
By Allaah! Allaah has venerated the sanctity of the believer, such that He has prohibited you from assuming other than good of your brother.
It’s an honour
When Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh was asked about when someone asks me, and says to me “you’re a Salafi”, how should I respond to him?
A treasure trove of knowledge-based benefits
Reference: صحيح البخاري وشروحه مليئة بالكنوز والفوائد العلمية ولا سيما الديوان العظيم فتح الباري وغالب هذه الفوائد منه. #فوائد_مجلس_صحيح_البخاري@majlesalbukhari — أ.د. عاصم القريوتي Prof Dr Alqaryooti (@alqaryooti) February 21, 2018 Shaykh Dr. ‘Aasim al-Qaryooti said: Saheeh al-Bukhaaree and [all of] its explanations are packed with a treasure trove of knowledge-based benefits; particularly the great […]
A smile and a welcoming face
To meet people with a smile and a welcoming face is indeed from the characteristics of Prophethood, and [something which] is contrary to pride and arrogance, and [instead] a cause for friendship and love.
Knowledge of Allaah and actions for His Sake alone
The pleasure which remains after death, and [that which] benefits in the Hereafter is the pleasure [attained] from knowledge of Allaah and actions for His Sake [alone].
You will not be disappointed
[For] every supplication you make to your Lord, you will not be disappointed…
An indicator of the tenderness of a believer’s heart
From the indicators of the tenderness of a believer’s heart is that he feels pain at the mishap of his believing brother when he slips up, so much so that it is as if he himself is the one who has slipped up; and he [certainly] does not maliciously rejoice [at his brother’s lapse].