The scholars of hadeeth said “there is no hadeeth related to the [virtue of the night of] 15th of Sha’baan which is authentic.
Category: Words of Wisdom
The best of all acts of worship
Extending prayers and salutations upon the Prophet is the best of [all] acts of worship, because Allaah (Ta’aala) Himself has done so and [so too have] His angels…
The principles of true happiness
The principles upon which true happiness of the worshipper is built are…
His immense zeal and strength of purpose
an-Nawawee’s explanation of [Saheeh] Muslim…I have read* it more than 60 times.
The worst of brothers
And the worst of brothers is he who abandons his brothers during [their time of] hardship and need.
Conveying knowledge
After [the rank of] Prophethood, I do not know of a rank better than conveying knowledge.
Remaining silent about falsehood
If the people remain silent about falsehood, the truth will disappear…
The reality of success
So what do you think of he who falls into repulsion of the truth and finding fault with its people?!
Old age
Likewise, the one who is elderly does not wait except for death; so how repulsive of him [if he were] to persist upon falling into sin [while death beckons].
How do I advise others when I myself err?!
A question which is oft-repeated by many!!