It is befitting for the student of knowledge to rectify his intention [solely for the Sake of Allaah], for indeed the loss of [a] sincere [intention] prevents the acceptance of [righteous] actions.
Category: Words of Wisdom
The national anthem
It is not permissible for the Muslim to stand out of respect for any national flag or salute.
Breaking the fast with that which is haraam
A man fasts from that which is halaal and good, and breaks his fast with that which is haraam and bad; the flesh of his brother.
To convey the Sunnah is better
And to convey his Sunnah to the ummah is better than to shoot an arrow at the throat of the enemy, because there is no shortage among the people who can do that.
Respecting time
A watch is not just [used] for knowing the time, rather [it is] for respecting it.
Missing the Fajr prayer
Missing the Fajr prayer and sleeping during its time instead of praying it, is from the greatest of the prohibited acts, and from the acts of the hypocrites.
They spoke for the honour of Islaam
Because they spoke for the honour of Islaam, and the salvation of the soul, and the pleasure of Allaah.
Medicine for the heart and mind
Recitation of the Qur.aan works on the diseases of the heart and mind [like] how honey works on the deficiencies of the body.
The pace at which time passes today
For indeed we find in the pace at which days pass that which we did not find during the time before this time of ours [today] – even if there was no comfort living [back] then..
Incapable of financially supporting his wife
“If the husband is incapable of financially supporting [his wife], then it is permissible for her to seek a divorce.”