Maintaining close ties with the scholars
Category: Words of Wisdom
Words of advice for when travelling
[During] the day we [will] read from a book, and [during] the night we [will] listen to an audio recording of the people of knowledge.
His regret before dying
And I regret having spent most of my time in other than the meanings of the [aayaat of the] Qur.aan.
Zam Zam benefits the drinker
There is evidence here that the water of Zam Zam benefits the drinker for whatever reason he drinks it for – whether it is for the affairs of this world or the hereafter…
Backbiting is more severe
Backbiting is more severe [in sin] than [having an outstanding] loan.
When Allaah accepts a deed
The habituation of fasting after the fast of Ramadhaan is a sign of [Allaah’s] acceptance of the fast of Ramadhaan.
Supplication is the weapon of the strong and the weak
Supplication is the weapon of the strong and the weak, and it is from the delights of the Prophets and the sincere, and with it they seek [aid from Allaah] to ward off all harm.
The reward of doing a good deed
And when Allaah accepts [a good deed] from His worshipper, He then blesses hm with obedience [to Him], and diverts him [away] from [falling into] sin.
Returning to the scholars for guidance
So by the permission of Allaah, by returning to the scholars [for guidance] there is salvation from the fitan.
The way of the scholars in seeking knowledge
The first thing with which the student [of knowledge] begins with [is] memorisation of the Qur.aan. Then he memorises a short text from every subject, starting with the most important.