«…and if they knew what there is [of reward] in the ‘Ishaa and Fajr prayer, they would come to them even if they had to crawl»
Category: Words of Wisdom
Seeking forgiveness and repentance
Whoever is characterised by this description – seeking forgiveness and repentance – [then] Allaah will make [it] easy for him [to attain] his sustenance, and facilitate his affairs, and protect his strength.
Concealing knowledge
[The] concealing of knowledge [leads to] disaster, and [the] concealing of action [leads to] salvation.
Lying for real or as a joke
It is not befitting to lie for real or as a joke, and nor for any of you to promise your child something, and then not to fulfil [your promise] to him.
Knowledge is attained by…
Knowledge is [attained] by way of [chains of] transmission, not by intellect.
When would he make a profit?!
It is not befitting for the seeker [of good] to neglect the nights and days of virtue.
About ‘Eed
‘Eed is not about the one who wears new [clothing], rather, ‘Eed is about the one whose obedience [to Allaah] has increased.
From the means which aid uprightness
Maintaining close ties with the scholars
Words of advice for when travelling
[During] the day we [will] read from a book, and [during] the night we [will] listen to an audio recording of the people of knowledge.
His regret before dying
And I regret having spent most of my time in other than the meanings of the [aayaat of the] Qur.aan.