It is upon the intelligent one to exert himself in performing voluntary acts of worship – so long as he is in a state of [good] health.
Category: Words of Wisdom
From the signs of one’s love of Allaah
From the signs of [one’s] love of Allaah, is love of the Qur.aan.
Fajr prayer in congregation
«Whoever prays ‘Ishaa in congregation, it is as if he spent half the night in prayer, and whoever prays Fajr in congregation, it is as if he spent the whole night in prayer»
From the virtues of the Fajr prayer
«…and if they knew what there is [of reward] in the ‘Ishaa and Fajr prayer, they would come to them even if they had to crawl»
Seeking forgiveness and repentance
Whoever is characterised by this description – seeking forgiveness and repentance – [then] Allaah will make [it] easy for him [to attain] his sustenance, and facilitate his affairs, and protect his strength.
Concealing knowledge
[The] concealing of knowledge [leads to] disaster, and [the] concealing of action [leads to] salvation.
Lying for real or as a joke
It is not befitting to lie for real or as a joke, and nor for any of you to promise your child something, and then not to fulfil [your promise] to him.
Knowledge is attained by…
Knowledge is [attained] by way of [chains of] transmission, not by intellect.
When would he make a profit?!
It is not befitting for the seeker [of good] to neglect the nights and days of virtue.
About ‘Eed
‘Eed is not about the one who wears new [clothing], rather, ‘Eed is about the one whose obedience [to Allaah] has increased.