Indeed, worry, sadness and sorrow occur from two directions…
Category: Words of Wisdom
If a Prophet comes to you…
“If a Prophet comes to you seeking the hand of your daughter [in marriage], then marry her to him!”
Engaging in ijtihaad
Not to engage in ijtihaad (qualified independent reasoning) when required is [considered] at the [same] level of engaging in ijtihaad (qualified independent reasoning) when not required.
A Wahabi Christian!
So some of his students said: ‘it appears the teacher is a Wahhaabee!
The easy prize
«Fasting in Winter is the easy prize.»
Rejoicing at the arrival of Winter
Welcome to Winter – during which blessings descend [from Allaah]; wherein the nights are long [and therefore conducive] to stand[ing] in prayer, and the days are short [and conducive] to fast[ing].
Remembering Allaah when committing a sin
The remembrance of Allaah with the tongue is good, and [what is] better than that is the worshipper remembering Allaah at the time of committing a sin, and then refraining from it.
Reading the horoscope pages
[That being the case], then his prayer will not be accepted for 40 days.
Do not be negligent in waking up your family
There is not a people who fail to admonish those among them who are negligent in prayer, except that their first punishment will be a reduction in their sustenance.
How about of those other than them?!
Neither Allaah nor His Messenger commanded [us] to observe the days of misfortune for the Prophets and their deaths as a period of mourning – so how about of those other than them?!