That is because if there was any good in it, then they would have preceded us in it, since they did not leave any good practice except that they hastened to it.
Category: Words of Wisdom
The smart and intelligent one
The smart and intelligent one is he who does not scrutinise every small and big issue with his family, loved ones, companions and neighbours.
The religion will disappear a Sunnah at a time
…[so] the religion will disappear a Sunnah at a time, just as a rope loses its strength little by little.
From the causes of worry, sadness and sorrow
Indeed, worry, sadness and sorrow occur from two directions…
If a Prophet comes to you…
“If a Prophet comes to you seeking the hand of your daughter [in marriage], then marry her to him!”
Engaging in ijtihaad
Not to engage in ijtihaad (qualified independent reasoning) when required is [considered] at the [same] level of engaging in ijtihaad (qualified independent reasoning) when not required.
A Wahabi Christian!
So some of his students said: ‘it appears the teacher is a Wahhaabee!
The easy prize
«Fasting in Winter is the easy prize.»
Rejoicing at the arrival of Winter
Welcome to Winter – during which blessings descend [from Allaah]; wherein the nights are long [and therefore conducive] to stand[ing] in prayer, and the days are short [and conducive] to fast[ing].
Remembering Allaah when committing a sin
The remembrance of Allaah with the tongue is good, and [what is] better than that is the worshipper remembering Allaah at the time of committing a sin, and then refraining from it.