Patience whilst upon obedience [to Allaah] is [the attainment of] a higher rank than patience whilst enduring trials and tribulations!
Category: Words of Wisdom
We are all sinful
We are all sinful, and we wash our hearts [of them] with the ‘soap’ of repentance.
The blessing of eemaan and intellect
After [being blessed with] eemaan, the worshipper [of Allaah] has not been blessed with anything better than intellect.
From the characteristics of those who are truthful
The truthful person [is one who] restricts his speech, food, sleep, and mixing with others [to only that which is necessary]…
The most blessed of days
The wise person knows that the most blessed of days is a day on which he increases in virtue and knowledge.
A time of great trials and tribulations
[As an ummah], we are in a time of great trials and tribulations, and nothing can save us from these trials and tribulations except Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala, and thereafter beneficial knowledge.
An elevated level of manners
They are adversaries, yet he [refers to him as] “my brother”!
The people who err the most
Indeed, the people who err the most, are those who engage the most in mentioning the mistakes of others.
Allaah fills their heart with eemaan
[There are] three [categories of people] in whom [should these habits] exist, then Allaah fills their heart with eemaan…
I advise the youth to hasten in getting married
And I advise the youth to hasten in getting married, particularly in this day and age in which the causes of fitnah and temptations have increased.