Whoever does not possess a determination for [anything] other than [fulfilling the desires of] his stomach and his private parts, then he is considered from amongst the beasts…
Category: Words of Wisdom
What people say about you
What people say about you should not sadden you, for if it is false, then it is [recorded as] a reward [for you] that you did not [actually] do…
The sign of one’s love of Allaah
The sign of [one’s] love of Allaah is the plentiful remembrance of Him, for indeed you do not love anything except that you remember it alot.
Honouring your father
Whoever walks in front of his father, then he has disobeyed him, unless he walked [ahead] to remove [any] harm from his path.
Immense in reward, yet little in action
I do not know of a hadeeth which is so immense in reward, and [yet] little in action than the [following] hadeeth…
The days are of two types
A ‘good’ day, so be thankful [to Allaah for it]…
You will regret the time that you have wasted
It is befitting for the student of knowledge to protect and preserve his time, because [sometime] in the future he will [reflect over this and] regret the time he has wasted.
Knows Shaytaan, yet obeys him
[What is] astonishing is that a person knows his Lord, yet disobeys Him, …and knows Shaytaan, yet obeys him!
Preoccupied with regret
Being preoccupied with regret over time which has [since] passed is a waste of the present time.
A cause of benefit to others
[And] there are some in our day and age [today] who are quite the opposite.