He ﷺ said: «Beware of entering upon women.»
Category: Words of Wisdom
From the signs of a relapse in eemaan
From the signs of a relapse [in your eemaan] is that…
Seek repentance, regularly
It is not befitting for the believer to begin the day or the evening except in a state of repentance, for indeed he does not know when death may strike – [whether] in the morning or the evening.
Attending gatherings of knowledge
It is not permissible for a person to be lenient in attending gatherings of knowledge – and exerting himself in doing so…
Reading the Qur.aan aplenty
From the greatest of causes for the uprightness of the heart and its protection [from harm] is the plentiful reading of the qur.aan.
From the greatest of calamities to befall a man
From the greatest of calamities to befall a man is that he knows of a shortcoming in himself…
Studying and busying yourself with seeking knowledge
Studying and busying [oneself] with [seeking] knowledge is [a means to] affirming that which is present [of knowledge] and acquiring that which has been lost [of knowledge].
Fajr in congregation
That I were to attend the morning (Fajr) prayer in congregation is indeed more beloved to me than if I were to stand the [whole] night [alone] in prayer.
Be patient
Man has not been blessed with anything better than patience…
‘Umar’s Advice for Winter
When Winter would arrive, ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhu) would be mindful to write to them (the Companions), advising them all…