[Regarding] the dunya [of the believer], if it is lost [in the Path of Allaah], then Allaah will compensate for it…
Category: Words of Wisdom
The Witr prayer
[Regarding] the Witr [prayer, then] its time begins from the moment [you] finish the ‘Ishaa prayer…
When free time is combined with ignorance
When free time is combined with ignorance of the rulings of the Sharee’ah, then it produces the likes of this prohibited deed…
O you who believe, listen up!
When you hear Allaah say: {O you who believe…}, then listen attentively…
From the greatest of blessings
From the greatest of blessings upon us is the blessing of Islaam and the blessing of the Qur.aan…
This world is the ‘farm’ of the Hereafter
So if he did not ‘sow’ anything in there for his Hereafter, then he has lost it, and [as a result] he has lost his Hereafter.
This is a tragedy!
A day passes you by and you have not [even] opened the mus.haf [to read it].
Delaying the Fajr prayer
As for those who delay the Fajr prayer until its time passes – while they are able to pray it on time, then their prayer is not accepted, even if they were to pray [it] 1,000 times!
Backbiting and gossiping about the faults of others
Do not think [for a moment] that Allaah is negligent about what the oppressors do, rather He will place someone over him who will deal with him just as he deals with the people.
Joking in speech is like salt in food
Joking in speech is like salt in food; if it is lacking or more than necessary, then it is disliked/reprehensible.