Sometimes I fast without making an intention when starting the fast. So is making the intention every day a condition for fasting or is it sufficient to make one intention at the start of the month?
Category: Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan
Standing the night of the 15th of Sha’baan in prayer and fasting during it’s day
Is standing the night of the 15th of Sha’baan in prayer and fasting during it’s day legislated?
Pictures and drawings on children’s clothing
What is the ruling regarding pictures and drawings on children’s clothing, since these [children’s] clothes are not free from pictures?
Gathering people to recite the Qur.aan
What is the Sharee’ah ruling in gathering people to read the Book of Allaah with the intention that the benefit of the recitation returns to the one who initiated the gathering or someone who is deceased?
Husband prevents wife from going to her parent’s house
What is the ruling about the man who prevents his wife from going to her parent’s house if they cause problems and interfere in their married life?
Watching soap operas
What is the ruling regarding watching soap operas [and serials] which are transmitted on television?
Innovations pertaining to visiting the grave of the Prophet
Are there any innovations which some people fall into [when] at the grave of the Messenger ﷺ?
Two or more khutbahs in ‘Arafah
They pray where they are, so one of them stands and delivers a khutbah and then leads the prayer, just like in a masjid. So, is it permissible to have two [or more] khutbahs in ‘Arafah?
Mistakes which occur during the tawaaf
There are some mistakes which occur whilst making tawaaf, what are those mistakes?
Sending a maid for Hajj with a group of women or a Hajj package group
Is it permissible for me to send my maid for the obligatory Hajj with a group of women travelling with a Hajj package group [company specialising in transporting the Hajj pilgrims]?